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You're viewing China Warrior Cheat Codes

Game Name : China Warrior
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2008-02-26 04:04:16
Views : 21733

Three Continues
Hold I + II + Right and press Run, Run when the phrase ''The End'' appears after game play is over. Alternatively, hold I + II + Down and press Run at the title screen after game play is over. The game will continue up to three times from the start of the last level played.

Level Skip
Hold Up then Select + I + II to skip the first level. For the other levels, hold Down instead of up.

Debug Mode
Press Run + Select to reset the game, keep the buttons held, then release Run and press Up when the title screen is displayed. Release Select and press Up three times, Right six times, Down, Down, Left, Left. Invincibility and level select will now be enabled.

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